Rising to the Challenge: Camp NaNoWriMo


I have decided that 2014 is the year.  This is the year where I finally make the changes I’ve been talking about making.  This is the year when I (finally) finish my project.

2014-Participant-Vertical-BannerTo help me with this, I have decided to take on the challenge of Camp NaNoWriMo.  Unlike the traditional November version, participants may set their own word count goals that suit them best.  Some have set their sights for lower, but more manageable numbers, others aspire to overachieve.  I will be one of the latter.

By the end of April, I aim to completely finish the first draft of my novel, which I estimate to be at least 100,000 words.  So I set my goal for 150.

150,000 words in 30 days.  Here goes nothing.

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